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WP3: Co-designing Inclusive Participation

Led by the University of Birmingham, this is a hands-on work package where we co-design participatory spaces with different groups experiencing intersectional oppressions and historically marginalised in society. This mean we are not just inviting our participants to a participatory process designed by us but rather we are shaping these spaces with them as participants, co-designers and co-evaluators.

We are testing a range of arts-based approaches across seven pilots to see if and how they can help us strengthen inclusion and agency in participatory democracy. But we’re not going to do this in a vacuum. We are working closely with local stakeholders and community groups, building on the work they already do and linking our project to live policy agendas.

The aim is for these processes to help generate culture change towards more inclusive and participatory policymaking that puts the experience of marginalised groups at the centre.


As part of this work package partners from King’s College and Lancaster University are leading on a scoping review of arts-based methods for social change. The findings will inform the pilot co-designing principles to strengthen intersectional inclusion.

Our planned pilots:

Policy Focus 
Partners/ stakeholders 
UK  University of Birmingham
To be agreed with West Midlands Youth Combine Authority (YCA)
West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA); YCA; youth organisations; legislative theatre practitioner and award winner Katy Rubin; three peer legislative theatre facilitators
Diverse group of young people along race, gender, disability, socioeconomic backgrounds,  
Legislative Theatre; participatory research
Ireland University of Cork and CiviQ 
Integrated and sustainable communities 
Kildare County Council; Open Local Government Partnership; Community Green Forums participatory spaces 
Ethnic minority women’s networks  
Community participatory food-based events combined with visual arts 
Portugal  University of Lisbon
Social wellbeing 
Lisbon City Council; dance theatre; NGOs; Legislative theatre practitioner  
People with disabilities 
Legislative Theatre; dance 
Poland  University of Warsaw
Economic independence  
Representatives of two local governments and national government; representatives of national and local NGOs supporting refugees 
Refugees from Ukraine in Poland living in Warsaw (the largest Ukrainian community) and a borderland city/ town 
Co-designed workshops to develop a play-like and game-like framework for interactions to agree procedures for integration into the host communities 
Czech Republic Czech Academy of Sciences
Integrated policies for inclusion, resource efficiency, climate/ disaster mitigation and adaptation 
City of České Budějovice and the surrounding region; City of Broumov and the surrounding region (both finalists for the Candidacy for European Capital of Culture 2028); national level institutions (Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education); public organisation Creative Prague 
Diverse groups (including refugees) selected from the local community through grassroots intermediaries 
Participatory performance lectures 
Bulgaria  ArcFund, Sofia
Developing new (digital) skills  
State actors: Sofia Municipal Council, municipal organisations; Ministry of Labour and Social Policy; National Employment Agency; Labour district offices located in each municipality/city (SDA; Ministry of Education and Science) 
Women over 55 years of age (low-skilled, long term unemployed) 
Living labs methods/ Action research 
Hungary  Tarsadalomtudomanyi Kutatokozpont, Budapest
Adequate shelter for all 
8th/ 9th district of Budapest; NGOs (K-Monitor, Transparency International; School of Public Life)  
Participants in projects on public housing and public toilets as part of the Participatory Budgeting process in Budapest 
Photovoice method to capture participants’ needs and inform deliberation on project development and implementation 
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